


creative potential, creativity, creative personality nurses, professional training


The article analyzes and reveals the essence of the concept of “creativity”, “creative potential”, “creative personality”, and examines scientific views on these concepts. The main pedagogical, psychological and philosophical approaches to the definition of these concepts are highlighted. The analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature gives reasons to state the fact that many authors who deal with the problem of the creative potential of an individual have different views on defining its essence. The role of education in the formation of the creative potential of students of medical institutions is determined. The main principles and requirements that would create conditions for the development of cognitive initiative, independence and creative thinking in the process of professional training of nurses are highlighted. Taking into account the specifics of the educational process of the medical college shows that the successful formation of the development of the creative potential of future nurses can be carried out in various forms of the educational process. This means that in the organization of the creative process, it is necessary to create conditions for the transformation of the individual into the subject of his own activity, for creativity in solving problematic tasks. The most significant categorical characteristics of the phenomenon of the creative potential of the individual are highlighted. It is noted that the creative component in the professional activity of nurses is an integral component of professional skill and excellence. Philosophical, psychological and pedagogical views on the origin and essence of personality are considered. Attention is drawn to the fact that the development of the creative potential of an individual in the process of preparing him for professional activity in the conditions of modern society becomes one of the main tasks of reforming professional (vocational-technical) and vocational pre-university education. It is emphasized that the creative nature of activity depends on external circumstances and on the individual himself as the subject of this activity, on his abilities, skills, qualities and abilities.


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