


nursing, nursing process, nurse, nursing education, nursing model


The purpose of the study was to determine the effectiveness of their own developments in the absence of legally approved all-Ukrainian standards of nursing care for patients based on the nursing process. Materials and Methods. Throughout the years of independence Ukraine has declared the reform of practical health care, including nursing. The most significant steps to reorganize the training and professional activities of a nurse were proclaimed in the “Nursing Development Program of Ukraine”, which clearly states that the main direction of nursing reform is the training of a highly qualified specialist of a new formation who can make decisions within their competence independently, on the basis of the nursing process, based on developed and legally approved standards. Unfortunately, the reform of the nursing industry, including the development of standards of practice in our country, has been suspended for objective reasons. For this reason, we published the manual “Theoretical and Practical Basics of Nursing Care for Patients” and developed educational and methodological materials on its basis within the competence of a nurse (an alternative to standards). A pedagogical experiment was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the use of instructional materials in the training of bachelor’s degree nurses in the subject “Fundamentals of Nursing”. The experiment involved 40 students, 20 of whom (control group) studied according to the generally accepted teaching methodology and 20 (main group), who additionally worked on the patient care instructions developed by us. At the end of the experiment, during the mathematical analysis of the results, students of the main group showed better results compared to the control group: the percentage of theoretical knowledge increased by 7.19%, qualitative performance by 20.4%, average score by 0.39 units; the corresponding indicators of practical training also increased – of practical skills by 25.81%, qualitative performance by 24.47%, average score by 0.48 units. Conclusions. The introduction of educational and methodological instructions for patient care in the educational process of training bachelor’s nurses, in the absence of legally approved all-Ukrainian standards, can improve the quality of training of future specialists.


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