



professional game, specialty 224 «Technologies of medical diagnosis and treatment», clinical laboratory diagnostics, motivation, student


The relevance of our research is determined by the need to introduce into the practice of a higher school teacher new methods of presenting and consolidating information in the process of teaching students’ clinical disciplines, taking into account that a modern student must master a large amount of information and be able to actively use it. In this regard, we revealed the peculiarities of using a professional game as a way to increase the motivation of undergraduate students of the specialty 224 «Technology of medical diagnostics and treatment» to study clinical disciplines by conducting an empirical study on the example of teaching the discipline «Clinical laboratory diagnostics». The professional game «Diagnostics» was held in April 2022 and in April 2023 for those studying in the 3rd and 4th courses of specialty 224 «Technologies of medical diagnostics and treatment» in a combined practical session. To evaluate the effectiveness of the application of the professional game, 2 groups of students were selected. 6 students (2022) and 7 students (2023) were included in the first experimental group. The control group consisted of 6 people (2022) and 7 people (2023), who had classes according to the classical plan. At the end of the cycle, students took a 20-question test on the passed material with a score on a 120-point scale and a test «Attitude of students to study». According to the results of the study, it was proved that the professional game, which is an active form of learning, should be more widely introduced into the educational process of students of medical universities regarding the study of clinical disciplines.


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