


pharmacoeconomic research, optimisation of pharmaceutical care, medicines, outpatient settings, inpatient treatment, martial law, mental disorders, range of medicines


Martial law in Ukraine has a negative impact on the mental health of the population. Even when a person is in relative safety, it does not provide a sense of complete comfort. Today, the role of social and stressful factors is also growing significantly, including changes in professional and life stereotypes, difficulties in the material and domestic spheres related to the realities of the transition period in the development of society, and the inflation of previously stable social values. Mental disorders occupy a significant place in the structure of the general morbidity rate, and a significant share of them (approximately 30%) is martial law mental disorders (MLD). To optimise the provision of medicines for patients with martial law mental disorders, for the treatment of which antidepressants are mainly used, it is necessary to use optimal methods of pharmacotherapy, taking into account the effectiveness and safety of the medicines used. The formation of an optimal range of antidepressants for the treatment of martial law mental disorders in a hospital setting is possible only if a deep and complete analysis of the wide range of antidepressants available on the modern pharmaceutical market is carried out. Research on optimising the development of an assortment of antidepressants for the inpatient treatment of martial law mental disorders has not received adequate attention. Thus, the development of methodological approaches to the formation of an optimal assortment of antidepressants for the inpatient treatment of martial law mental disorders is relevant. The main medicines prescribed under the MHRA are antidepressants, which are represented by 18 international nonproprietary name and 37 trade names on the pharmaceutical market, and the use of which poses a number of difficulties, such as uncertainty of the course of treatment, polypharmacy, development of adverse drug reactions, and a number of others. In order to identify the factors that influence the incidence of PWPS, and thus determine the supply and demand for antidepressants in the pharmaceutical market, the demographic and social characteristics of the population of patients with PWPS who underwent treatment were studied. The results of the study of the contingent of patients with PWPS indicate that the incidence of martial law mental disorders tends to increase. The analysis identified medicines whose procurement was stable in 2023. The most frequently encountered combinations of psychotropic medications were identified and prescribed by doctors. The mathematical models developed during the correlation and regression analysis made it possible to predict the need for drugs for the treatment of PWPS.


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