cardiovascular diseases, “Affordable Medicines” program, medicines, electronic prescription, regional peculiarities, monitoring, indicators, pharmaceutical provision of the populationAbstract
The study proves that it is advisable to monitor the implementation of the “Affordable Medicines” program to determine its effectiveness. The essence of monitoring is defined, which should be understood as regular tracking of the main components of the Program at all stages of its implementation in order to determine its effectiveness, primarily to increase the availability of medicines and reduce the incidence of disease. Quantitative and qualitative indicators for monitoring the Program were identified. The study evaluated the following indicators: number of pharmacies operating under the “Affordable Medicines” program; distance from the city of primary health care and the nearest pharmacies; number of patients using the Reimbursement Program in general and by region; number of drugs subject to reimbursement under the Program; share of medicinal products provided free of charge and with co-payment by patients; number of e-prescriptions for medicinal products issued/redeemed in general and by regions; number of e-prescriptions issued/ redeemed per capita and by regions; demographic indicators of patients (age and gender structure of the population, share of employed people, etc. ) who use the Program in general and by region. A sociological study was conducted to determine the qualitative indicators. The group of cardiovascular drugs for which the largest number of electronic prescriptions were issued was identified. The problems and benefits of the Program implementation were identified. It was found that the implementation of the Affordable Medicines Program had a positive impact on reducing morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular diseases due to a significant increase in access and affordability of essential medicines.
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