


Salvia sclarea L., clary sage, capsules, dry extract, solid dosage form, technology


Quality assurance of medicinal products is a critical aspect of pharmaceutical development since the efficacy and safety of medicinal products for patients depend on it. Ensuring the proper quality of phytopreparations includes many aspects, the crucial among which are the use of a standardized substance of plant origin, the use of high-quality auxiliary materials, and quality control at all stages of production. This article presents part of the experimental results on developing the composition and technology of capsules based on the substance of dry extract of clary sage (DECS) grown in Tajikistan. Clary sage (Salvia sclarea) has a wide range of therapeutic effects, is traditionally used by the indigenous population of Tajikistan, and has a high level of study and scientific substantiation of biological activity. DECS was before standardized for the content of the amount of flavonoids and hydroxycinnamic acids. The quantitative content of the amount of flavonoids was not less than 13.0% in terms of apigenin and the quantitative content of the amount of hydroxycinnamic acids was not less than 1.2% in terms of rosmarinic acid. The results of pharmacological activity screening by the staff of the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Pharmacology of the Tajik National University showed anti-inflammatory, diuretic activity and a moderate anxiolytic effect of DECS. The obtained results formed the basis for the development of capsules based on the DECS substance and quality control criteria at the stage of the technological process of “obtaining a mass for encapsulation.” To ensure the quality of the developed capsules, more stringent acceptance criteria were introduced for a number of pharmaco-technological indicators. These indicators include loss on drying, flowability, bulk density, compatibility, tapped density (at V1250), and uniformity of the content of DECS in the weighed mass of the capsule content. These criteria are specified for products obtained during the “obtaining a mass for encapsulation” stage of the technological process. Implementing these stricter criteria serves as a measure to guarantee the drug product's quality.


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