


personal self-development, professional self-development, professional and personal self-development of future dentists, self-education, self-education, self-creation, self-improvement, continuous professional development


The article examines the author's understanding of the professional and personal self-development of future dentists and the search for ways to prepare future dentists for professional and personal self-development in the conditions of universitses. The concept of «self-development» and, in particular, «professional self-development», «personal selfdevelopment » is also revealed. Professional and personal self-development of future dental specialists involves awareness of personal responsibility for the process of professional self-improvement, the ability to properly support and adjust their professional and personal growth. It is also important to have the ability to project professional and personal growth through adaptation to new conditions and active independent decision-making in the implementation of professional activities in the future. The relevance of the article is to find ways to solve problems that are manifested by contradictions between the constant growth of society's requirements for the training of dentists in the system of continuous professional development and the insufficient level of their professional competence. An important problem is the formation of knowledge among students about the specifics of the professional activity of a dentist, the influence of personal qualities on the possibility of performing professional functions in the future. It is worth considering the ratio of the high potential of the information and educational environment and the insufficient level of its use for the formation of the readiness of future dentists for professional and personal self-development. Thanks to the determination of successive stages of professional and personal self-development of future dentists, it became possible to reveal the process of becoming a dental specialist at the postgraduate stage of education. Each of the stages, namely: adaptation of the future dentist to the profession, individualization, free mastering of aspects of the profession, maximum self-realization in professional activity is characterized and logically constructed. The presented characteristics of each of the above-mentioned stages are united by the mastery of the ability to transform personal life activities into the subject of practical transformation, which leads to creative self-realization. It is worth noting that the separation of stages made it possible to characterize the mechanisms that shape the psychological well-being of students and, as a result, optimize both the personal and professional life of future dentists. The mechanisms that form professional and personal self-development include: self-regulation, self-awareness, self-education, self-determination, self-improvement, self-realization, self-identification, self-education, self-evaluation. These mechanisms are also justified. Professional and personal self-development allows future dentists to be autonomous subjects of educational activity. This activity is based on mastering potentials, such as: educational, communicative, moral, creative and qualification potentials. The article managed to highlight the opinion that professional training at the pre-graduation and postgraduation stages determines the content, forms, schemes of professional reflection.


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