chemistry, research methods, teaching methods, population morbidity, medical education, pharmaceutical education.Abstract
The article outlines the importance of monitoring the prevention and preservation of public health. Emphasis is placed on the importance of chemical disciplines for the analysis of morbidity and the causes of pathologies. Chemicals are all around us, from the air we breathe to the water we drink and the food we eat. The health of the population may be impaired due to the effects of these chemicals on the human body. One of the main methods of chemical analysis of the state of health of the population is to determine the concentrations of various chemicals in water, soil and air samples. Chemical methods are also used to analyze the health of the population by studying the composition and nutrition of food products. Emphasis is placed on the application of physicochemical methods of analysis of body fluids, which can be effectively used for the prevention of diseases, for diagnosis, and for treatment, namely chromatography, spectroscopy. One of the main research methods is biochemical blood analysis, which allows you to determine the concentration of various substances in the blood and their relationship with the state of human health. For example, determining the level of glucose in the blood in the diagnosis of diabetes, and determining the concentration of cholesterol can be an indicator of the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Urinalysis can provide information about the functioning of the kidneys and the degree of their damage, as well as about the presence of various infections and diseases of the urinary system. Chemical methods of research also include molecular biological methods, such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR), which allow detecting the presence of genetic diseases and making a forecast for their development. Emphasis is placed on current methods and forms of studying chemical disciplines by students, namely lectures, workshops, projects, scientific research. To study a certain chemical discipline, its content, it is necessary to choose an effective form and method so that students of education fully acquire general and special competencies and realize the implementation of the acquired skills in the future profession.
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