


arterial hypertension, cardiovascular comorbidity, target blood pressure level, echocardiographic indices.


The aim of our study was to assess the structural and functional state of the heart and to identify the probable relationship of echocardiographic parameters with the achievement/non-achievement of the target blood pressure level (TBP) in outpatients with isolated arterial hypertension (AH) and in combination with cardiovascular comorbidity. We examined 140 outpatients with AH, divided into three groups: isolated AH (n=60), AH + coronary heart disease (CHD) (n=35), AH + CHD + chronic heart failure (HF) (n=45). Doppler echocardiographic examination was performed using a Toshiba Aplio 300 ultrasound device (Japan). In outpatient with AH included in the study, remodeling of the left ventricular (LV) myocardium was revealed, in particular, impaired systolic function, decreased contractile function, increased thickness of the interventricular septum of the LV (IVS) and posterior wall of the LV (PRW), decreased ratio of the maximum flow rate of the period early filling (wave E) to the maximum flow rate of the late filing period (wave A) into atrial systole (E/A)˂1 both in isolated AH and in combination with CHD and HF. At the same time, the presence of cardiovascular comorbidity reduced the functional capabilities of the myocardium. Analyzing the relationship between achievement/non-achievement of TBP and echocardiographic indices, statistically significant differences were established only in the case of isolated AH: the thickness of the IVS in individuals who did not achieve TBP was 12.39% (p<0.001) higher than the data of individuals who achieved TBP; the thickness of the PRW in persons who did not achieve TBP was 9.09% (p<0.001) higher than the data of persons who achieved TBP; the E/A ratio in individuals who did not achieve the TBP was 16.67% (p=0.038) lower vs those who achieved the TBP. Thus, the results of an echocardiographic study of the structural and functional state of the heart of outpatients with AH indicate LV remodeling and the formation of a type I of diastolic dysfunction both in the case of isolated AH and in the combination with cardiovascular comorbidity. At the same time, a significant association of LV hypertrophy and LV diastolic dysfunction with failure to achieve TBP was identified only in outpatients with isolated AH, which requires further research.


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