generalized anxiety disorder, distress, somatization, anxiety, depression.Abstract
According to forecasts of the World Health Organization, by 2025, neuropsychiatric disorders will take the first place among non-communicable diseases and paralyze economic life on the planet. Psychosomatic health of medical staff and every personis not just an important component of personal health, but also the most important part for their professional duties performance. Therefore, timely diagnosis of neuropsychiatric disorders and their correction is the most urgen tissue today. The purpose of our work was to identify and analyse emotional disorders in medical staff of the primary health care unit of Central Medical Centre №5 in Vinnytsia. The study of the psycho-emotional status was carried out with the help of self-questionnaires: “Self-Assessment Scale of Anxiety” and “The Four-Dimensional Symptom Questionnaire – 4DSQ”. 64 people, agedfrom 21 to 70 years old as medical workers at the city polyclinic of Vinnytsia, who made up 4 groups, were interviewed. The first included 28 respondents (43.7%) who did not have anxiety. The second group included 26 people who showed a moderate degree of anxiety; in the third group there were 7 doctors with a pronounced degree of anxiety, and 3 people made up the 4th group – a severe degree of anxiety. Therefore, 56.3% (36 respondents) had changes related to an anxiety state of varying degrees of severity. Among the respondents who received more than 4 points on the “Self-Assessment Scale of Anxiety Level”, we found that the number of people with a moderate level of distress gradually increased in parallel with the increase in their number of points on the “Self-Assessment Scale of Anxiety Level”, namely: in the second group the number of such respondents was 19.2%, in the third – 28.6%, and in the fourth – 33.3% respectively. In other words, the number of persons with moderate anxiety had 1.5 times fewer cases of distress than in the third, and 1.73 times less than in the fourth. Our research revealed significant disorders in the emotional sphere of primary care medical workers, which require rational psychological and drug correction. The most common disorders in the emotional sphere were distress and somatization, which corresponds to the data of the literary sources available to us.
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