


doxycycline hyclate, antibiotics, antibiotic resistance, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2.


Antibiotic resistance, i.e. the resistance of bacteria to certain antibiotics, has became an extremely important problem nowadays. Because the consequences of an irresponsible attitude to taking antimicrobial drugs can be unpredictable and extremely complex. At the same time, the development of new drugs is a time-consuming and expensive process, therefore one of the ways to solve this problem is the use of already studied antibiotics with preserved activity, which have shown their effectiveness and do not have widespread resistance, one of the representatives of which is doxycycline. Currently, according to the Standard of Medical Care “Rational Use of Antibacterial and Antifungal Drugs for Therapeutic and Prophylactic Purposes”, doxycycline is recommended for the treatment of patients with uncomplicated lower urinary tract infection caused by MRSA; with infectious diseases of bones and/or joints; in respiratory tract disease (including ENT organs) caused by MRSA with a mild or moderate degree of severity, although numerous scientific studies have demonstrated the promise of this drug in the treatment of new bacterial diseases, as well as in the combined treatment of COVID-19. Studies have shown that the combination of doxycycline with colchicine or ivermectin is especially effective in the treatment of this disease. Analysis of the assortment of doxycycline-based drugs showed that on the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine, such drugs are represented in only two dosage forms, tablets and capsules, and in only one dosage, 100 mg. At the same time, for example, in Great Britain, doxycycline tablets and capsules are registered in dosages: 20 mg, 40 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg. In addition, the presence of doxycycline in other medicinal forms, such as parenteral, suspensions for internal use, syrups on the pharmaceutical markets of other countries, was found out. Therefore, it is important to develop and manufacture in Ukraine drugs based on doxycycline with a different dosage and dosage form (aerosols, gel-emulsions, transdermal patches, etc.), since this drug is a broad-spectrum drug that does not yet have widespread resistance.


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