


cerebral palsy, spastic diplegia, motor activity of a child, gross motor function classification system, physical therapy.


The article deals with the study of the dynamics of large motor functions in children with cerebral palsy under the influence of physical therapy. The main task of rehabilitation of patients with cerebral palsy is the optimal adaptation of the child to the existing defect through timely compensation of cognitive, communicative and motor disorders. In patients with cerebral palsy, motor disorders manifest themselves in the form of various syndromes and their combinations. The aim of our study was to increase the effectiveness of physical therapy in the rehabilitation of patients with cerebral palsy with severe motor disorders. To evaluate structural and functional changes in spastic muscles of the lower extremities and the dynamics of gross motor functions according to the GMFCS scale in patients with cerebral palsy with severe motor impairment. Methods of the study. We selected 126 children with cerebral palsy with severe motor disorders for the pedagogical experiment. There were three groups: the main group (MG) – 40 patients, the control group (CG) – 45 patients, and the comparison group (CG) – 41 patients. The duration of rehabilitation was 21 days. Patients in the OG received physical exercises that develop muscle strength, strengthen the ligamentous apparatus, improve joint mobility, and in addition received climate balneotherapy, peloid therapy, massage, and methods of hardware physiotherapy; GP received physical exercises for coordination of movements, stimulating nerve centers, in addition to receiving climate balneotherapy, peloid therapy, massage, methods of hardware physiotherapy; KG received comprehensive sanatorium treatment, including climate balneotherapy, peloid therapy, massage, methods of hardware physiotherapy. Testing before and after the rehabilitation course was used to determine the dynamics of the rehabilitation process. Results of the study. Patients in the control group did not show statistically significant dynamics in motor status, and no positive dynamics was found on the GMFCS scale. In the GP, the manifestations of spasticity of the transverse striated muscle tissue statistically significantly decreased, the volume of passive movements in the joints of the lower extremities increased, but there is a deterioration in muscle strength in the antagonists. No statistically significant dynamics was found in the GMFCS scale. In OG, statistically significant improvements were observed in indicators characterizing stability during standing, turning, tilting the torso, decreased swaying and instability in the frontal plane; step movements became more symmetrical; no significant dynamics was found on the GMFCS scale, but an increase in the average indicator was noted.


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