


varicose veins, physical therapy, muscle pumping action of muscles.


The aim of the study was to substantiate the effectiveness of targeted physical activity on the muscular system of the lower extremities in varicose veins to improve blood circulation, and to determine the effectiveness of physical therapy on the dynamics of patients’ quality of life and the incidence of trophic complications. The study was conducted at the Regional Center for Vascular and Endovascular Therapy of the Rivne Regional Clinical Hospital named after Yurii Semeniuk. All details of the pedagogical experiment were agreed with doctors and patients. Materials and methods. The pedagogical experiment involved 46 patients with clinically confirmed varicose veins of the lower extremities at the level of the lower legs at the stage of subcompensation. Half of the patients (control group, n=23) were treated according to the scheme adopted in this department (compression therapy, angioprotectors, venotonics), the other half (main group, n=23) – in addition to the above therapy, was engaged in daily walking – with elements of “venous gait” and physical exercises with an emphasis on tension of the soleus and calf muscles in order to push blood from them, according to the principle of the pump, towards the heart. Results. When assessing the dynamics of patients’ quality of life, all the indicators for which the assessment was conducted were better in patients of the main group, namely: pain decreased in 17 patients of the main group against 2 patients of the control group (by 65.2%); heaviness in the legs – 13 against 2 (by 47.8%); paresthesias and cramps – 7 against 0 (by 30.4%). According to objective visual signs, the clinical picture in patients of the main group, compared with the control group, also improved in all indicators, namely: the size of venous nodes and their tension decreased in 11 patients of the main group, against none in the control group (by 47.7%); the intensity of edema – 16 against 2 (by 69.9%); skin pigmentation and induration – 9 against 1 (by 34.7%). Conclusions. Physical activities on the muscles of the soleus and calves, such as venous walking and muscle-pumping exercises, significantly improve the subjective and objective manifestations of varicose veins of the lower extremities. This is not a cardinal solution to the problem, but they can be recommended as one of the options for improving the quality of life.


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