


neurological movement disorders, cerebral palsy, motor development, physical therapy, children.


Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a complex disorder of the nervous system, among the most common manifestations of which is hemiparesis (over 38%). In children with cerebral palsy, in addition to impairments in the motor system (muscle tone, movement structure, and posture), there is a wide variability of other clinical manifestations depending on the degree and localization of brain damage. Cerebral palsy in children can cause disorders in cognitive development, speech, hearing, vision, and other pathologies that may progress over time. Therefore, making decisions about the ways to restore the health of children with cerebral palsy requires a comprehensive assessment by many specialists in a multidisciplinary team, based on which an individual rehabilitation program is developed. A significant portion of success in rehabilitating children with CP belongs to the work of a physical therapist, whose involvement helps address numerous problems related to motor system disorders and restore its function. However, to ensure a favorable outcome from implementing a rehabilitation program, the physical therapist needs to select not only an adequate complex of rehabilitation measures and interventions tailored to the individual problems of the child with CP but also possess a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of rehabilitation intervention based on reliable diagnostic tests. Therefore, the aim of the research is to study approaches to assessing the effectiveness of rehabilitation in schoolage children with cerebral palsy with spastic hemiparesis. A search and analysis of articles from the Cochrane Database, Google Scholar, MEDLINE PubMed for the last 10 years were conducted, and methods and means of control to identify risk factors for the development and progression of musculoskeletal problems were studied to enable timely intervention and correction. An attempt was made to analyze the main tasks of a physical therapist in the process of rehabilitation intervention for CP, as well as relevant methods that can be used to assess the effectiveness of physical rehabilitation.


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