physical therapy, physical therapist, professional training, pedagogical conditions, clinical assessment tools.Abstract
The article describes and gives a basis for scientific principles of providing pedagogical conditions for the use of clinical assessment tools by physical therapist students. It has been established that the educational process of students majoring in 227.1 (Physical Therapy) should be based on five components: motivation; formation of knowledge, skills, and abilities; quasi-professional methods; practice; evaluation criteria. The author proposes to introduce the following pedagogical conditions into the educational process to ensure the presence of these components of improving the quality of physical therapists’ education: formation of theoretical knowledge and practical skills while using clinical assessment tools; supplementing the content of special disciplines with interaction in quasi-professional settings; introduction of tutoring support in the educational process of physical therapists. The implementation of pedagogical conditions, according to the author's idea, is based on the activity-based (organization of the educational process, in which the main attention is paid to the active, versatile, productive, maximally independent educational and cognitive activity of students) and competence-based (formation of competencies, training results are considered significant outside the education system) approaches, explanatory and illustrative (to ensure that students understand the content of the educational material) and reproductive (aimed at reproducing the ways of doing things according to the algorithm defined by the teacher) methods, concepts of problem-based learning (a form of organizing the interaction between teachers and students, which aims to create problem situations in the educational process and facilitate their solution by students) and collective (creating specific conditions for the exchange of knowledge, skills and experience between students) learning.
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