


innovation, digital education, digital technologies, e-learning, LMS, MOOC, digital competencies.


The introduction of digital tools is taking place in all spheres of life, including in the educational environment, therefore the purpose of the study is to structure and summarize data on the available digital educational tools and digital educational environments, to analyze the role of the teacher in the framework of the use of each tool, as well as to characterize the capabilities of students and teachers within certain instruments. In the framework of this work, the research was conducted using systematic methods, a comparative analysis of existing solutions to the specified problems was used. In the work, an attempt was made to structure and characterize the existing digital educational tools in terms of functions and opportunities for users, as well as characteristics of user interactions. In the literature review of this work, the current state of digitalization of various spheres of life was investigated and the attitude of society to the perspective of widespread automation and digitalization was studied, taking into account published scientific works. Three types of digital environments are distinguished in the work: modular digital educational environments, LMS and LCMS, as well as distance online education presented on MOOC platforms. An analysis of the interaction of teachers and learners within the specified digital environments was carried out, the capabilities of each environment were determined, and the shortcomings of each of them were identified. During the study, it was found that digital educational standards in the near future will involve the use of automated and digital educational tools. In addition to the standard, there is also the influence of society, because now most of the education seekers cannot imagine life without gadgets and digital tools. At the end of the article, a forecast of the possibilities of further research in the direction of this topic is formulated, as well as a conclusion is made about the need for the transfer of digital technologies in the educational process, as well as about the key role of the teacher in the process of acquiring knowledge by students, even if digital automated environments are used. 


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