social competence, soft skills, specialists in the pharmaceutical industry, pharmacists.Abstract
The article reveals the essential characteristics of the social competence of pharmaceutical industry specialists. It is noted that in the scientific literature there is no unified approach to determining the social competence of an individual, understanding its structure, mechanisms and conditions of purposeful formation and development in the educational process. The importance of the formation of social competence of pharmacists for their professional self-realization is substantiated. The main approaches to the analysis of the concept of “social competence” are revealed – pedagogical and sociological. It was found that social competence is a person’s ability to assess social situations and determine expectations and requirements regarding them; recognize the feelings and intentions of others, choose the social behavior that is most appropriate for the given context. The key components of a specialist’s social competence are described: cognitive, activity-communicative and reflective. Characterized content levels of social competence of a specialist in the pharmaceutical industry: axiological (social knowledge necessary for a person to interact with himself and other people for the optimal solution of socially significant tasks; subjective (readiness for self-determination and self-organization, norm-making, ability to build cause-and-effect relationships relationships and take responsibility for one’s actions); praxeological or technological (the ability to apply social technologies and communications in the system of social norms, institutions and relationships). emotional intelligence – the ability to understand and manage emotions; the ability to analyze and solve problems; the ability to think critically; organization and punctuality; the ability to manage stress, develop coping strategies and recognize signs of burnout.
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