clinical pathophysiology, elective discipline, individual research tasks.Abstract
The article presents the experience and methodological aspects of organising and teaching the elective discipline “Clinical Pathophysiology of the Endocrine System” at the Department of Physiology and Pathophysiology for Master's degree students in speciality 222 “Medicine”. The elective course “Clinical Pathophysiology of the Endocrine System” includes the study of pathophysiological aspects of endocrine pathology, mechanisms of development of clinical symptoms and promotes the development of skills for effective solution of medical problems based on pathophysiological analysis of data on pathological processes, conditions, reactions that occur in endocrinopathies using knowledge of the etiology, patterns and mechanisms of their occurrence and development, formulation of algorithmic principles of their diagnosis and development of pathogenetic approaches to treatment. The main goals of this elective discipline are achieved through the interdisciplinary integration of knowledge gained from the study of other fundamental disciplines, which contributes to the formation of general and professional competencies, analytical approach, clinical thinking skills, as well as the use of the acquired knowledge in future professional activities. For the effective organization of the educational process at the Department of Physiology and Pathophysiology, the Moodle platform is actively used, which contains a working program, materials for preparation for practical classes, a teaching and methodical guide with short theoretical information, electronic versions of basic textbooks, presentations and video lectures, tasks for independent and individual work, developed tasks for knowledge control in the form of test tasks and situational clinical tasks. Each practical session includes a theoretical part, during which the teacher, together with students, discusses modern aspects of the etiopathogenesis of the most relevant, socially significant endocrine diseases and syndromes. To assess students' knowledge in the course, individual independent work is used, which contributes to the development of self-educational competence and creative abilities of students, increases the scientific activity of students, and allows them to demonstrate personal abilities and experience.
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