occupational therapy, post-traumatic stress disorder, military personnel, veterans.Abstract
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is one of the common psychogenic disorders in military personnel and veterans, that is characterized by a chronic course, resistance to pharmacological treatment, and a negative impact on mental and somatic health, social participation, and quality of life. The aim of the article was to analyze and systematize knowledge regarding the use of occupational therapy measures in servicemen and veterans with PTSD. To realize the set goal, an analysis of peer-reviewed scientific and scientific-methodical sources of literature on the research topic was conducted. The article describes the diagnostic criteria for PTSD, features of the risk factors profile for the development of PTSD in servicemen and veterans, and modern approaches to its treatment. It is noted that in recent years, the evidence base for the use of occupational therapy in military personnel and veterans with PTSD has grown. A number of studies have established the negative impact of PTSD on such components of occupational activity as activities of daily living (taking care of one’s own health, nutrition), rest and sleep, productive activity (work), social participation and leisure. The article highlights the main approaches to the use of occupational therapy measures in military personnel and veterans with PTSD, namely: conceptual theoretical models applied by occupational therapists to persons with PTSD, specific methods of occupational therapy assessment, therapeutic methods and approaches. The importance of using a therapeutic approach focused on the family of a soldier with PTSD is emphasized and the need for early occupational therapy intervention for the thematic contingent is substantiated. It was concluded that occupational therapy can play a key role in preventing PTSD complications, ensuring an effective transition from military to civilian life, preventing social isolation, and improving the quality of life of servicemen and veterans. Further research is needed to better understand the effectiveness of individual occupational therapy interventions and to substantiate therapeutic approaches in service members and veterans with PTSD.
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