
  • Olena Roik Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design
  • Anna Minska Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design
  • Irina Matyushenko Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design



anti haemorrhagic agents, medicinal products, dosage form, haemostasis, haemostatic agents, tranexamic acid, blood loss


The article analyses the segment of antihemorrhagic medicines using data from the State Register of Medicines of Ukraine, the ATC classification system of the electronic resource and the information retrieval system Morion. A detailed analysis of official sources of information on the status of antihemorrhagic medicines registered and authorised for medical use in Ukraine was carried out and an information dataset of 127 medicinal products was formed. It has been established that the medicinal products under consideration are represented in two anatomical groups B02A “Fibrinolysis inhibitors” and B02B “Vitamin K and other haemostatic agents”. The assortment of group B02A “Fibrinolysis inhibitors” includes 48 medicinal products, which is 38 %, and group B02B “Vitamin K and other haemostatic agents” includes 79 medicinal products, which is 62%, respectively. In the classification category B02A “Fibrinolysis inhibitors”, the subgroup “Amino acids” significantly prevails, with a share of 91.7 % compared to proteinase inhibitors at 8.3 %. The range of domestic antihemorrhagic drugs is provided by 19 manufacturing companies. The main domestic manufacturer of anti haemorrhagic drugs is FC “Zdorovye”, with the largest share of 12.2 %. When the market for haemostatic drugs was broken down by dosage form, it was found that the majority of drugs are represented by parenteral dosage forms, with a total share of 78.7 %. During the analysis of the price situation in the domestic pharmaceutical market of antihemorrhagic medicines, it was found that the most affordable in the Ukrainian retail pharmaceutical market are herbal medicines of domestic production and medicines based on aminocaproic acid. The conducted research gives grounds to assert that modern therapy of these diseases requires improved approaches to treatment and implementation of the latest pharmacotherapy regimens and development of new antihemorrhagic drugs to provide proper pharmaceutical care.


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