physical therapy, rehabilitation, pelvic tiltAbstract
During the last decades, pathologies of the musculoskeletal system are the second largest factor of permanent disability. According to available statistics, 61 % of women and 53 % of men are diagnosed with pelvic tilt. Although some authors claim that it is observed in at least 73 % of the entire population of Ukraine. Purpose: to investigate and describe the current state of pelvic tilt issue. Research methods: analysis and synthesis of scientific and scientific-methodical sources, questionnaires, methods of mathematical statistics, clinical-biological methods. Pelvic bones provide support for the spine. When they are located in a natural way, it is possible to move in a coordinated manner, the biomechanics of movements are balanced, and the load vectors are evenly distributed. Pelvic misalignment is a pathological condition in which the bones of the pelvis deviate from their natural position and assume an asymmetrical position in relation to the spine. There are articular, muscular and mixed types, as well as asymmetric and antigravity types of pelvic distortion. Pelvic tilt has the greatest impact on: physical activity and functionality; general state of health; psychosocial impact; professional activity, social interaction. To assess the asymmetry of the position of different segments of the right and left side of the body, a visual and palpation study was used; assessment of smoothness and synchronicity of movements in the articulations of the sacrum with the bones of the pelvis, as well as determination of the region of key dysfunction or pathology – a flexion test; assessment of joint movements, determination of their amplitude and functional state, limitation of joint movement, monitoring of progress and effectiveness of treatment – goniometry; subjective determination of the degree of pain – VAS (Visual Analog Scale for Pain); measurement of physical and mental health, functional capacity and social functioning – Questionnaire SF-36 (Short Form 36). Conclusions. After the diagnostics, the most common types of pelvic distortions were revealed: mixed and muscular kinds, as well as an asymmetric type with a tilt to the left.
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