methodological approaches, pediatric dentists, professional training, situational modeling, professional interactionAbstract
The article argues the expediency of taking into account the scientific and methodological principles of training future pediatric dentists by means of situational and communicative models of professional interaction. The interest of researchers in the problem of methodological support of the educational process in the professional training of future dentists was noted. The essence of epistemological, activity, praxeological, axiological, acmeological, synergistic, competence and systemic approaches in preparing future pediatric dentists for professional interaction by means of situational and communicative models is specified. It is summarized that the use of the epistemological approach encourages students to active educational and cognitive activities and determines the consideration of the activity approach, which will contribute to students mastering all aspects of the functionality of future doctors. The use of the praxeological approach is based on the theoretical justification of the organization of rational activity. Delineation of personally important goals helps students determine their own peaks (acme) in their professional development. Therefore, the implementation of axiological and acmeological approaches becomes especially relevant. Situational modeling of the professional interaction of future pediatric dentists is considered as a creative workshop for students to find personally important goals and peaks. In order to take into account multi-vector components in the professional training of a competent specialist, a competency-based approach is used. It is summarized that with comprehensive consideration of the focus of each methodological approach, a better result can be obtained than in conditions of concentration of attention on only one approach in particular. The compatibility and consistency of the joint impact of all approaches in the preparation of future pediatric dentists for professional interaction based on the use of a synergistic approach was noted. Taking into account the integrity of the education system and the combination of diverse methodological approaches in it, the importance of using a systemic approach in preparing future pediatric dentists for professional interaction is emphasized.
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