positive psycho-emotional intelligence, personal potential, pupils, students, educational establishments, formation, development, theoretical and methodological analysisAbstract
The article provides theoretical and methodological analysis of the content of positive psycho-emotional intelligence of applicants for education and its role in development of their personal potential. To implement the goal, a number of tasks are defined: 1. Describe features of intelligence. 2. Formulate definitions of the terms “psycho-emotional intelligence” and “personal potential”. 3. Сharacterize main forms of psycho-emotional intelligence influence on the development of personal potential. To achieve this goal and certain tasks, the following methods were applied: theoretical: theoretical analysis and generalization of literary sources; comparison, generalization; deductive, inductive; systemic, formalization; idealization; empirical: pedagogical observation of pedagogical experience to reveal the content of positive psycho-emotional intelligence, its role in the development of personal potential and methods for formation of applicants’ for education psycho-emotional intelligence; systematization and generalization to form research results. Results. Conceptual and categorical apparatus of research is disclosed, terms “intelligence”, “emotional intelligence”, “psycho-emotional intelligence”, “personal potential”, “personal potential of pupils and students” are characterized. Correlation of the level of positive psycho-emotional intelligence formation and development of personal potential of applicants for education are determined. Theoretical approaches to formation of psycho-emotional intelligence through analysis of basic psychological theories are characterized. Methodical analysis of formation of positive psycho-emotional intelligence of applicants for education and its role in development of their personal potential through integration of emotional education, self-reflection sessions, psychological trainings and seminars, creation of supportive and emotionally safe environment in educational establishments are represented. Examples of successful implementation of international projects of formation of positive psycho-emotional intelligence of applicants for education for development of their personal potential are provided.
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