children, latent tuberculosis infection, contact with a patient with tuberculosis, clinical featuresAbstract
The aim of this study was to investigate the features of the clinical course of latent tuberculosis infection in children with confirmed and unestablished contact with a TB patient. We examined 350 children with PTBI aged 1 to 17 years. In Ukraine, over the past 17 years, the number of children with PTB has decreased by more than 8 times, due to underdetection of children infected with MDR-TB due to a significant reduction in screening tuberculin diagnostics in children, especially since 2013. In the vast majority (108 out of 134) of cases, contact of a child with a TB patient is detected indirectly during a thorough examination of the environment of a child with PTBI, which indicates the important role of screening children to identify adults with TB. Children are characterized by close family contact – 76.1%, mainly with their mother and father. More than half of the children, regardless of contact, had concomitant pathology. Almost half of the children were found to have a mild intoxication syndrome, peripheral lymph node polyadenia was found in 46.4% of children with confirmed contact and in 22.7% of children without confirmed contact, p < 0.05. The results of our study indicate the need for a qualitative examination of the environment of a child with LTBI to identify adult patients with tuberculosis.
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