


Desenfit, plant extracts, herd, calendula, hawthorn, antibiotic-associated complications, Lotardi, Tesalin


The article presents the results of an experimental preclinical study of drugs under the conditions of experimental antibiotic-associated complications in rats. The effectiveness of the combined herbal remedy Desenfit containing standardized extracts of medicinal plants was studied: the grass of the herd (Bidens tripartita., Bidens cernua, Bidens frondosa), calendula flowers (Calendula officinalis), hawthorn leaves and flowers (Crataegus sanquinea, Crataegus laevigata) in a dose of 30 mg/kg. The well-known Lotardi probiotic containing Saccharomyces boulardii and the herbal anti-allergic drug Tesalin were selected as comparison drugs. Experimental antibiotic-associated complications were modeled by the introduction of the broad-spectrum antibiotic Lincomycin. It was established that Desenfit normalized the integral index of body weight, restored the functional activity of the central nervous system, prevented the development of diarrhea and effectively influenced the work of the immune system (as measured by circulating immune complexes). In terms of pharmacological action, Desenfit was not inferior to Lotardi and probably exceeded the effectiveness of Tesalin by all indicators.


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