



nursing education, development, formation, transformation, future nursing bachelors, preparation, professional training


The article provides a brief overview of the historical progress of nursing education in Ukraine and the world. At the current stage of socio-economic development of Ukraine, an important task is to improve the system of professional training of future nursing bachelors. One of the ways to solve the outlined problem is the complexity, theoretical and practical significance of the professional orientation of educational subjects in the medical academy, the achievement of which requires taking into account the historical aspects of the development of nursing education in Ukraine and the world. The development of health care and medical science is inextricably linked to the quality of medical education, including nursing. Starting from the times of Kyivan Rus and up to now, our state pays great attention to the training of specialists in the field of health care. It is now obvious that the training of future bachelors of nursing in Ukraine is an urgent task in view of the transition of the medical education system to new standards of education and continuous medical education. Lifelong learning is becoming a necessary and increasingly important condition for professional development, as well as increasing competitiveness in the labor market. The national strategy for the development of education in Ukraine for 2012-2021 aimed the educational community at the total implementation of the competence approach in education. Relying on international experience, taking into account the national traditions of education and its adaptation to the existing actual development of the production and service sectors, an attempt is being made to introduce a modern approach to theoretical and practical training in higher education institutions of Ukraine. Today, all educational organizations of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, including medical academies, have simulation centers with different levels of phantoms and simulation equipment. Thanks to this, students have the opportunity to form and improve practical skills not only within the curriculum, but also in the process of preparing for all-Ukrainian and international Olympiads and competitions.


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