



traditional didactics, innovative forms and methods, chemical disciplines, education seekers, higher medical and pharmaceutical education


The article examines traditional and innovative pedagogical means of training students. The authors paid attention to the specification of pedagogical tools that are implemented in the educational process of students of the medical academy. An analysis of the scientific literature was carried out, which made it possible to single out an unresolved issue, namely, which forms and methods are preferred by students when studying chemical disciplines. Scientists note that when using traditional pedagogical tools, it is necessary to include elements of innovative technologies, which is caused by the requests of future specialists and the goals of the educational process. Among the traditional pedagogical tools, lectures, practical classes with laboratory work are widely used in pedagogical practice when studying chemical disciplines. Traditional methods of studying chemical disciplines also include the use of textbooks and workbooks, which are improved every year and tasks are adapted to changes in educational programs. In addition to the traditional forms and methods of studying chemical disciplines, the Cherkasy Medical Academy increasingly uses innovative approaches and technologies, namely: problem lectures using video films, presentations, discussions; virtual laboratories, creating projects and conducting scientific research. A survey of 78 students of the medical academy of various specialties was initiated. Analysis of a survey of students at a medical academy indicates that first-year students are more receptive to traditional classes, which may be related to school education. And students of higher education prefer classes that contribute to the realization of their creativity, independence, and self-improvement. 79.5% of the surveyed students gave a rating of "10" to project methods, 100% called lectures with elements of discussion and multimedia presentation the optimal form. In the future, we will project scientific research into the study of the influence of the teacher's personality on the level of assimilation of professional competencies by students of education when studying chemical disciplines at the medical academy.


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