encephalopathies, transcranial duplex scanning, cerebral hemodynamics, clinical syndromes, correlationsAbstract
The aim of study was to establish the dependence of the clinical and syndromic characteristics of patients with encephalopathies of various genesis on changes in cerebral hemodynamic parameters. We examined 145 patients with chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), 145 patients with vascular encephalopathy in chronic cerebral ischemia (CVE), 102 patients with chronic alcohol-induced encephalopathy (CAE), and 128 patients with post-infectious encephalopathy (PIE) treated at the communal non-profit enterprise "Ternopil Regional Clinical Psychoneurological Hospital" throughout 2021-2022. The state of cerebral hemodynamics was studied using transcranial duplex scanning (TCDS) of intracranial vessels and extracranial sections of brachiocephalic vessels using a Philips HDI device. When analyzing the correlation interactions between the dominant clinical syndromes and cerebral hemodynamics according to TCDS data in patients with CTE, a significant relationship was established between the cephalalgia syndrome and the phenomenon of vasospasm; in patients with CVE – between extrapyramidal syndrome and the phenomenon of stenosis; between asthenic syndrome and blood flow insufficiency in the carotid distribution; between cognitive impairment syndrome and venous stagnation; in patients with CAE – between epileptic syndrome and the phenomenon of venous stagnation; between amyostatic syndrome and insufficiency of blood flow in the carotid distribution and venous stagnation; between emotional lability syndrome and vasospasm and blood flow insufficiency in the carotid distribution; in patients with PIE – between cephalalgia syndrome and the phenomenon of vasospasm; between asthenic syndrome and the phenomenon of vasospasm; between the syndrome of sensory disorders and venous stagnation and vertebrobasilar insufficiency; between cerebellar ataxia syndrome and vasospasm, venous stagnation and vertebrobasilar insufficiency. Therefore, the results indicate the heterogeneity and polymorphism of cerebral hemodynamic parameters in patients with various genesis encephalopathies and several significant associations between the dominant clinical syndromes and cerebral hemodynamic parameters, which requires further research.
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