


healthy food, nutrition science, gastrointestinal tract, fatty acids, parasympathetic nervous system, sympathetic nervous system, preventive medicine


The flow of chemical reactions in the stomach with different content causes a sharp change in the chemical composition of compounds that are formed during the digestion of food in the stomach under the influence of gastric juice. Some compounds reinforce each other, their concentration increases with elements of influence on the human body as a whole. Human genetic material adapts to the food consumed by a person and tries to somehow smooth out the adverse effects of some food components on the body, but this is the biggest problem of human existence on planet Earth. The purpose of the work was to identify and give a scientific explain the nutritional features of human nutrition. As is known нydrochloric acid is released in sufficient quantity when the body no longer needs it. As a result of the violation of the ratio of the output of hydrochloric acid or bile acids to the phases of food digestion, the peptic ulcer disease occurs. That is why it is recommended to use an "aperitif" before eating to "warm up" the stomach, to stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, although this method of nutrition does not always save a person from violations of the phase secretion of the gastrointestinal tract’s secret for digesting food components. The occurrence of atherosclerosis, the violation of fat metabolism begins with disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, practically, with insufficient secretory functional efficiency both in the stomach and in the intestines, especially in the duodenum. Fatty food in human nutrition requires the obligatory use of organic acids, which are contained in lemons, pomegranates, apples, etc. It is the organic acids in some fruits that do not contain a significant amount of carbohydrates that sharply reduce the atherogenicity of cholesterol, practically, destroy its genuine essence, and it is this essence that makes fat harmful to a human. Any food that we humans consume stimulates either the sympathetic or parasympathetic nervous system. If we are born with an increased tone of the sympathetic nervous system, then we should avoid eating food that stimulates it, or vice versa. Some authors divide food into "metabolically fast", which is characterized by high calories, has a lot of protein (meat and dairy products), a significant glucose content, and, on the contrary, "metabolically slow" is characterized by a low glycemic index, etc. Namely, "metabolically fast" products stimulate the sympathetic nervous system. "Metabolically slow" products (vegetables, legumes, fats) increase the tone of the parasympathetic nervous system, promote relaxation and reduce anxiety. But it is necessary to detail the impact of each of the listed products on the condition, in particular, of both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. It is obvious to conduct focused researches on an important scientific problem – healthy nutrition, which, first of all, concerns the more or less perfect development of preventive medicine.


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