



аcne, medicated cosmetics, cosmetics, salicylic acid, assortment policy, competitiveness, price liquidity ratio, solvency adequacy ratio


Treatment and prevention of acne should be individualized and take into account the form, localization, prevalence and presence of inflammatory elements. The most effective is conservative treatment in combination with medicinal cosmetics and cosmetic products [1, 2]. The advantage of complex therapy when using medical cosmetics and cosmetics is that creams and gels are quickly absorbed, saturate skin cells with keratin, normalize abnormal cell growth, relieve redness, itching and burning, and help achieve long-term remission of the disease. For skin care, you should use light, non-greasy emollients and moisturizers without odor, without the addition of dyes, preservatives and emulsifiers. Also, according to scientific works, there is a pattern that the smaller the number of ingredients contained in medical cosmetics and cosmetic products, the lower the probability of hypersensitivity reactions, allergies and worsening of the course of acne [3, 4]. A study was conducted on the state and current trends in the development of the pharmaceutical market of Medicinal Cosmetic Products and Cosmetic Products for solutions to dermatological pathologies, specifically acne, which allowed identifying significant potential for its growth. Indicators of the stability of the range of drugs of this group, their competitiveness and solvency were determined in order to further study the availability of this list of drugs and the possibility of meeting the needs of the population in the treatment of the named pathology [5]. A range of medicated cosmetics and cosmetics containing salicylic acid have been found to be sustainable for the prevention and treatment of acne. Unified clinical protocols of primary, secondary (specialized), tertiary (highly specialized) medical care (UKPMD) regarding the provision of pharmaceutical care for acne were studied [6]. The practical significance of the study lies in the further improvement of pharmaceutical care in the general system of providing medical services in the case of treatment and prevention of common acne.


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Наказ Міністерства охорони здоров’я України від 05 травня 2023 року № 848 «Про затвердження Переліку лікарських засобів, дозволених до застосування в Україні, які відпускаються без рецептів з аптек та їх структурних підрозділів». URL: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/z0854-23#Text



