



lеgislatiоn, dоmеstic markеt, рrоductiоn, manufacturing cоmрaniеs, veterinary medicinal products, unrеgistеrеd and falsifiеd рrоducts, assоrtmеnt


The current stage of development of most branches of domestic economies is characterized by active integration into the global economic space. The development of the agro-industrial complex and, accordingly, the pharmaceutical market of veterinary drugs is directly observed. The analysis of the current legislation, which regulates the procedure for controlling the quality and safety of veterinary drugs registered in Ukraine and its comparison with the similar one in the EU, shows the urgent need to optimize and improve the legislative and regulatory legal field, taking into account world legislation and standards in order to ensure favorable conditions not only for the establishment of domestic pharmaceutical companies, the registration of safe imported products, and the subsequent release of high-quality, competitive veterinary medicinal products (VMP). Despite all the efforts of the state to make this market transparent, for a certain period of time (2018–2020) in Ukraine, such a situation arose that, in the absence of control over the circulation of veterinary products, there was an increase in the entry of unregistered veterinary drugs into the market of Ukraine. In such a case, it is advisable to introduce a number of regulatory, legislative and legal acts that more carefully regulate the circulation of VMP on the market of Ukraine (excluding the possibility of circulation of contraband products) and impose stricter sanctions on producer companies for the release of unregistered VMP. The purpose of the work was to conduct a market research of manufacturers of VMP, whose products are certified and producers of unregistered VMP. Methods were used in the work: analytical, information search, descriptive, generalization. The research materials were literary sources that contain information on circulation, registration of VMP in Ukraine and detection of unregistered products. An analysis was carried out and a characterization of the normative-legislative base, which regulates the state registration of veterinary drugs and requirements for their production, quality of these products; a search, analysis, and comparison of domestic and imported VMP manufacturers, which by all indications have the status of unregistered, were conducted. Based on the processing of available information and conducting a scientific search, it was established that the market of Ukraine was quite saturated with unregistered VMP of both imported and domestic production in 2018–2020, but already in 2023, a significant decrease in their number is observed. The reasons for the decrease in the volume of circulation of unregistered VMP on the national market have been investigated and determined. Processing, analysis, systematization, comparison and summarization of modern sources of information indicates the need to review the current legislative, regulatory and legal acts in matters of imposing stricter financial and administrative sanctions on producers of unregistered VMP.


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