marketing analysis, pharmaceutical market of Ukraine, children, respiratory organs, bronchitis, antibiotics, medicines, J antimicrobial agentsAbstract
Particular concern among pediatricians and health professionals is caused by fairly high levels of morbidity acute simple bronchitis, especially in infants. An important issue of the pharmacotherapy is ensuring patients of sufficient number of effective and affordable drugs for the treatment of this nosology. Therefore, the aim of the work was the study of the assortment of antibacterial drugs for the treatment of bronchitis in children from 3 to 6 years old in the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine. Analytical, comparative, marketing, graphical methods of analysis, and the method of descriptive and abstract modelling and synthesis were used in the study. An analysis of the State Register of Medicinal Products was conducted, according to which it was established that as of October 2023, 404 trade names of antibacterial medicinal products for systemic use of domestic and foreign production were registered on the market of Ukraine, presented in various medicinal forms, taking into account their dosages for the treatment of bronchitis in children up to 6 years old. Among them, the largest share of drugs on the domestic pharmaceutical market is represented by drugs of subgroup J01DD04 – ceftriaxone (18.81%), J01FA010 – azithromycin (18.32%). Medicines of subgroup J01FA03 – midekamycin, J01DB01 – cephalexin were presented in the smallest quantity, the share of which was less than 1.00%. The results of the analysis show that the domestic market of antibacterial drugs is quite saturated mainly due to drugs of foreign production, the share of which in the overall structure of the studied assortment is 76.50%. It was established that antibacterial drugs for systemic use are represented on the market by 28 producing countries, while the leading ones are the drugs produced by India, represented in 10 subgroups with a total number of 137 names, and Ukraine represented in 12 subgroups with the number of 95 names. The analysis revealed that most antibacterial medicinal products are parenteral dosage forms in powder form, which significantly complicates their use in children under 6 years of age. Instead, the oral dosage forms of the studied segment of medicinal products, which are the most convenient to use, are presented in the form of powder or granules for the preparation of oral suspension, dispersible tablets and coated tablets.
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