



radiation accident, technological instruction, potassium iodide solution, extemporaneous production


The purpose of this work was to develop technological instructions for the extemporaneous production of potassium iodide solutions for iodine prevention of radiation injuries in adults and children in case of radiation accidents. The use of iodine prophylaxis is aimed at preventing the absorption of radioactive isotopes of iodine by the thyroid gland. An analysis of the range of medicinal products containing potassium iodide showed the absence of potassium iodide preparations on the Ukrainian pharmaceutical market to protect newborns and children up to 3 years of age from radiation damage to the thyroid gland. Registered potassium iodide preparations are intended for the treatment of thyroid diseases and the prevention of iodine deficiency and contain a dose of stable iodine of 100–200 μg, which is insufficient for the prevention of radiation damage, since the recommended dose of potassium iodide for the prevention of radiation damage and the dose of potassium iodide for preventive use in environmental microelement deficiencies differ by 500–1000 times. Therefore, in cases of large-scale radiation accidents at nuclear facilities of Ukraine as a result of hostilities of the aggressor's troops, extemporaneous production of potassium iodide solutions is relevant. Potassium iodide solutions have a number of advantages over other dosage forms, including ease of use, uniformity and speed of absorption of medicinal substances, dosage accuracy, etc. Since, in the event of radiation accidents, it is necessary to serially manufacture potassium iodide solutions as in-pharmacy preparations, as a result of research, technological instructions have been developed for the manufacture of a sterile 0.65% potassium iodide solution and a 0.32% potassium iodide solution in pharmacies in accordance with the requirements of modern regulatory documents.


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