speech and language therapist, aphasia, rehabilitation, speech disorders, dysphagia, strokeAbstract
A speech and language therapist plays a key role in the acute rehabilitation of patients with neurological diseases or brain injuries. The functional task during this period is to qualitatively assess and improve communication skills, including speaking, listening, reading, and writing. The therapist focuses on restoring and improving language functions, as well as developing strategies to overcome possible communication difficulties. Through individualized programs and innovative methods, the speech and language therapist helps patients regain the highest possible level of communicative independence, thereby improving their quality of life during rehabilitation. Our study analyzes the experience of several global scientific associations dealing with speech and language issues. The problems of their research on generalizing the practical and theoretical experience of working with patients with respiratory, swallowing, and communication disorders are described. The experience of foreign researchers and speech and language therapists in the intensive care unit in using a system of work with various problems in patients with brain damage or impaired brain function is also analyzed. The specialist interacts with other medical professionals, such as physicians, physiotherapists, and psychologists, to determine the individual needs of each patient. In addition, the specialist interacts with patients' families, providing them with the necessary knowledge and guidance to support the recovery process at home. His work contributes not only to physical recovery but also to the patient's psychosocial adaptation during this difficult period. The article theoretically analyzes the job responsibilities of a speech and language therapist in the healthcare sector and the relevance and importance of restoring speech and communication function in the acute rehabilitation period.
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