


medical education, comparative analysis, medical education of Germany, medical education of Ukraine


The article conducts a comparative study of higher medical education in Ukraine and Germany in the context of state-building processes based on reformist assets; the institutional processes in the system of higher education are analyzed and the conformity of the modernization of the higher medical school of Ukraine with the requirements of the practical sphere of public health protection, taking into account the integration of the state into the European space, is considered. The adaptation of the education system of Ukraine to the needs of the community was analyzed; considered educational principles and trends from the point of view of social, economic and political prerequisites of each country and the orientation of higher medical education of Ukraine to a competency-based approach, increasing the amount of independent work of the student, expanding opportunities for individualization of the educational process. The principles of the construction of the content of medical education in Germany, its orientation towards practice and the strengthening of aspects of primary medical care during all studies planned at universities are investigated. Applying the provisions of comparative analysis, the author considers key educational institutes, the implementation of which in the Ukrainian educational environment will increase the quality of professional training of health care specialists, will ensure the implementation of competitive educational and scientific developments in institutions of higher medical education; will facilitate the transition to innovative education and improve the system of continuous professional development of specialists. It was determined that with a similar general orientation of the content of higher medical education in Ukraine and Germany, there is a certain difference regarding the level of fundamental and clinical training of doctors, according to modern international standards.


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