


personal health, health-preserving educational technologies, educational process, students, educational environment, physical development, healthy lifestyle


The article examines the issue of health-preserving technologies that create the maximum possible conditions for preserving, strengthening and developing the personal and physical health of all subjects of the educational process. The characteristic of a health-preserving educational environment is the organization of educational space at all levels, in which high-quality education, development, training of students is not accompanied by harm to their health. As a result, in order to form, preserve and strengthen these components health, technologies are introduced into the activities of the educational organization, which help to solve the most important tasks – to preserve the health of the individual, to stimulate them to an active healthy lifestyle. The problem of forming the habit of a healthy lifestyle in students of higher education, which is ensured by a properly organized, competent and purposeful educational process using healthpreserving technologies, is very relevant today. The purpose of health-preserving educational technologies is to ensure the conditions of physical, mental, social and spiritual comfort, which will contribute to the productive educational and professional activity of the participants of the educational environment. The use of health-preserving educational technologies helps students of higher education realize that human health is the highest value of society. One of the important tasks of the educational process will be the creation of conditions for students to develop self-organization and self-control skills, which will contribute to the preservation of health and activation of motor activity. The author of the article comes to the conclusion that solving the problem of health-preserving technologies in the context of the educational environment is possible thanks to the mobility of the individual, his adaptation to any changes and new situations in life. One of the criteria for mobility is the ability to introspect, which must be developed in education, imparting knowledge, skills, and practical experience of the educational process to students for the sake of their happy future. Introspective and evaluative activities are important for a healthy educational environment and the development of professional and social mobility in the context of the educational environment. Therefore, to ensure the comprehensive harmonious development of the individual, motivation and care for a healthy lifestyle, the search for new effective forms and methods that would diversify the content of health programs are necessary.


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