pedagogical skill, pedagogical skill of a physical culture teacher, physical culture teacher, structural components, criteria and levels of formation, moral and spiritual qualities, pedagogical technique, professional and pedagogical competence, pedagogical culture, pedagogical creativityAbstract
The article examines the peculiarities of the formation of the pedagogical skill of the future teacher of physical education. The concept of “pedagogical skill” is analyzed, which is interpreted as a certain phenomenon that has pedagogical activity and is expressed in procedural and effective aspects. Definition of what should be understood by the concept of “pedagogical skill of a physical culture teacher”, namely the ability to choose appropriate methods and teaching tools; able to use various forms of conducting physical education classes; direct professional and pedagogical activities to the development and improvement of the physical condition of students; to form motor skills and abilities in various types of motor activity; and among the most important things is to form positive motivation among students for physical education and physical activity. Among the founders of the concept of pedagogical mastery are Konstyantyn Dmytrovych Ushinskyi, Vasyl Oleksandrovich Sukhomlynskyi and Ivan Andriyovych Zyazyun. The prerequisites for the formation of the pedagogical skill of a teacher, both in general and a specialist in physical culture, are formulated. The structural components, levels and criteria for the formation of the pedagogical mastery of the future physical culture teacher are determined. We included moral and spiritual qualities, pedagogical technique, professional and pedagogical competence, pedagogical culture and pedagogical creativity as structural components. The criteria should include the following signs of his activity: humanity, scientificity, pedagogical expediency, optimal character, effectiveness, democracy, creativity. Necessary conditions for pedagogical mastery are the teacher’s humanistic position and professionally significant personal traits and qualities. The levels of formation of the pedagogical skill of the future physical culture teacher are indicated. High level – students are motivated for pedagogical activity; average level – the competence of students is partial, as well as the acquisition of knowledge about professional activities; low level is characterized by the fact that at a mechanical level they reproduce the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during their studies at a higher educational institution.
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