dentistry, professional training, education, historiogenesis, retrospective analysis, dentists, pediatric dentistsAbstract
The relevance of providing special medical education to future dentists is argued. It is summarized that the work of the dental service is marked by certain historical milestones, among which the professional training of future specialists in the dental profile acquires special significance. The expediency of a retrospective analysis of the development of stomatology as a medical field, science, and educational field has been updated. It is summarized that the training of specialists in this specialty took place in dental schools, the first of which was founded in 1893 in Odesa. The expansion of the content of the professional education of doctors, who would provide assistance not only in the treatment of teeth, but also a complex of various diseases of the maxillofacial area, is associated with military actions at the beginning of the 20th century. Staffing of the stomatology industry in Ukraine was based on the development of odontology faculties and the reorganization of dental schools. Since 1930, special faculties and institutes for the training of qualified dentists began to be created in Ukrainian medical institutions of higher education. It is summarized, approximately 100 years have passed since the foundation of dental education in Ukraine was laid. The modern stage of professional training of future dentists is characterized by the fact that graduates of medical institutions of higher education are able to determine various aspects and directions of work by profession, considering the main tasks of the dental field. Modern trends in the development of dental education in Ukraine are considered in the relevant Standard approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. The analysis of the historiogenesis of the development of dental education at the current stage shows the emphasis on the implementation of the competence approach to the professional training of future specialists in pediatric dentistry. Analyzing the historical milestones of the formation and development of dental education in Ukraine, the presence of specific features of the professional training of future pediatric dentists, which must be considered in the process of student education, was noted.
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