bilingual-bicultural competence, interpreters’ professional training, retrospective analysis, international communication, medical discourseAbstract
This scientific study on the topic “Retrospective analysis of the formation of bilingual-bicultural competence of future translators of medical discourse” is devoted to the historical origins of the formation of bilingual-bicultural competence of future translators who specialize in medical discourse. The authors investigate the evolution of pedagogical approaches to the professional training of philology students. In particular, key aspects of bilingualism and biculturalism development, such as linguistic skills, cultural competence and transnational communication, are considered. The work analyzed the aspects of future interpreters professional training in the medical field and carried out a retrospective analysis of approaches to the formation of bilingual-bicultural competence of future interpreters in the process of their professional training. The purpose of this study is to deeply understand how changes in society and the socio-cultural context affect the formation of key competencies in medical discourse future interpreters, which can serve as a basis for further improvements in the process of their professional training. The research is based on the analysis of historical aspects of foreign languages teaching and learning in the context of interpreters training, as well as on key aspects of the development of bilingualism and biculturalism. The article is highly relevant considering growing popularity of international cooperation in the field of medical interpreting. The conclusions of the article can be used to improve the training of interpreters who specialize in medical topics and improve the quality of medical interpretation in the international context. The results indicate the need for continuous improvement of training methods to ensure a high level of bilingual and bicultural competence of future medical interpreters in modern international communication.
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