


physical therapist, training of physical therapists, professional activity of physical therapists, management aspects of the rehabilitation sphere


The practical formation of the legislative rehabilitation sphere in Ukraine is an important aspectnamely, the lack of personnel potential in the pre-war period and its aggravation in today's conditions. Training of physical therapists by educational institutions of our countryshould take maximum account of «force majeure» influences in this process (a pandemic of a coronavirus infection, a full-scale invasion, etc)and, accordingly, provide all the needs of society in rehabilitation, taking into account legislative changes at the national and institutional levels. Therefore, the US experience is one of the factorswhich can simplify the legal procedure for establishing this area in our country on the one hand, and on the other hand, it also provides professional experience of the work of physical therapists and the peculiarities of their training. The purpose of the article: to analyze the management aspects of the professional activity of physical therapists in the USAon the example of the state of Mississippi; to investigate the legislative framework of the field of rehabilitation and to reveal the conceptual and terminological apparatus of the field of rehabilitation in the USAon the example of the state of Mississippi. Research methods. When writing the article, we used the method of analysis, comparison, processing and systematization of found information regarding legal aspects of professional activityand features of physical therapist training in the state of Mississippi, USA. Where a detailed, logical, systematic approach to the structure of the rehabilitation process was discovered for the first time, which, in our opinion, simplifies the work of these specialists. And they also found managerial aspects of controlling the activities of physical therapists (for example, a financial system of rewards and fines for professional and scientific activity is provided physical therapists in a State Board of Physical Therapy). The main results of the study. Analyzing the legal framework of the rehabilitation sphere of the USA, on the example of the state of Mississippi, we found the following: the importance of clinical training for physical therapists during training, which, in our opinion, ensures the formation of practical professional competences,availability of appropriate professional education,for the purpose of obtaining a license for professional activity;continuity of professional education in different ways (non-formal education, and professional development with the support of AРTA, exchange of information, etc). Conclusions. Having analyzed the management aspects of the professional activity of physical therapists in the USA we can state, that physiotherapists and physiotherapist assistants, whose state of residence is Mississippi, Arizona, Colorado, etc. are required to have Compact Privileges, which enable medical practitioners to provide physical therapy services in these states. Study of the legislative framework of the field of rehabilitation in the USA, the state of Mississippi allows us to understand the clear structure of the rehabilitation process in this country, which, in our opinion, directly affects the quality of rehabilitation care for patientsand focuses on management aspects of the rehabilitation field, with the aim of practical introduction of best practices into the domestic rehabilitation system. The conceptual and terminological apparatus of the rehabilitation sphere is disclosedspheres on the example of the state of Mississippi, namely: physical therapist», «assistant physical therapist»,»direct observation on the spot»,»the right to practice», «licensee».


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