PTSD, addictive behavior, non-pharmacological methods of treatmentAbstract
80% of military who suffered combat mental trauma, caused by long-term stress and provoked by individual psychological characteristics, showed symptoms of mental trauma. According to the obtained data, the experience of combat mental trauma is determined, first of all, by the individual and psychological characteristics of the military, which provoke the possible further development of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), adaptation diseases (psychosomatic diseases, neuroses and neurotic states), etc. The aim of the study is to study the features of the psychological component of post-traumatic stress disorder in wartime conditions (PTSD screening) and the use of effective non-pharmacological methods of treatment to improve the patient's quality of life. During the study, a scientific complex of methods was developed, which were used for screening PTSD with signs of addictive behavior. During the collection of clinical anamnesis, the priority significance of the dominance of two components was substantiated in the participants of hostilities: neurotic disorders (neuroses and neurosis-like states) and clinical manifestations of stress disorders of dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. The vegetative component is present in almost all 90 respondents (92.8%) as a component of stress. Based on the screening using the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test, 11 people (11.3%) had an average AUDIT score of 18.7 points, which is dangerous alcohol use. The experience of studying the features of the psychological component of PTSD in wartime conditions in 97 military was summarized, medical/psychological assistance was provided and effective results were obtained in this group of patients. In order to prevent deterioration of the mental health of servicemen and restore their social and professional status, treatment and rehabilitation measures were carried out simultaneously with the elimination of PTSD symptoms and abuse, which made it possible to obtain encouraging results.
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