


foreign language professional communicative competence, innovative methods, future doctors, YouTube videos


Globalization and the development of modern technologies cause new requirements for the professional training of the future doctor, foreign language communicative competence becomes a necessary component of such training. The article attempts to analyze innovative methods of forming foreign language professional communicative competence of future doctors. The authors explained the basic conceptі of the research such as “foreign language professional communicative competence”, which should be understood as an integral quality of the personality, which includes personal communicative qualities, knowledge of the language system, the ability to use linguistic concepts and tools for effective communication in the professional sphere, and “innovative teaching methods”, which are considered as a purposeful and controlled process of making changes in educational practice by creating, spreading and mastering innovations. The importance of foreign language professional communicative competence for the future professional activity of doctors is revealed. The use of YouTube video materials is characterized as one of the most effective methods of forming foreign language professional communicative competence of future doctors. The authors provided an algorithm for using YouTube videos, which includes 5 stages: I stage – selection of a video clip, II stage – preparation for watching (pre-watching), III stage – video watching (watching), IV stage – discussion after watching (after-watching ) and stage V – application of the learned lexical material in practice. It has been proven that the usage of YouTube videos at English for specific purpose lessons at medical universities contributes to: visualization of the material; contextualization; attracting attention and flexibility of learning. It is noted that for achieving maximum efficiency, it is important to select and integrate video materials into the educational process correctly.


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