integrative approach, features of the integrative approach, educational process as a system, components of the educational process, educational-methodical complex of disciplinesAbstract
The article presents the results of a study of the specifics of the structure of the educational process in the format of an integrative approach to modern medical education. The role of integration in the development of personal and professional potential and the formation of competencies of medical students is determined. The importance of designing and implementing educational-methodical complex of disciplines on the basis of an integrative approach is substantiated. It is proved that the outlined approach is the basis on which the optimal model of modern medical education is based, as a complex, dynamic, integral system. It has been investigated that its implementation will contribute to the formation of the personality of a modern graduate as a successful specialist in the medical field with an active life position, a conscious sense of responsibility for oneself, the fate of the state, the ability to generate and implement new ideas and solutions into practical activity. It was determined that the integrative approach contributes to the integration of the elements of the educational process into a whole, optimal modeling and forecasting of the course of positive dynamics of the formation of the personality of the future doctor, conducting complex developments of technologies, strategies and tactics of theoretical and practical training of students. The effective influence of the approach on the direction and organization of the educational process, the formation of a competitive personality of a competent medical worker who is fluent in the profession and oriented in related fields of activity, ready for constant professional growth and social mobility is characterized. It was established that integration determines the interaction of the teacher with the medical student as a subject capable of self-development, self-improvement of professional and personal life. The approach is aimed at strengthening the personal orientation of the content and learning technologies, the individualization of students' educational trajectories, the creative and developmental orientation of the educational process, the transition from the concept of supportive to the concept of anticipatory education, oriented to the future - to the conditions of life and professional activity. An analysis of educational and methodological support of disciplines was carried out according to the structure of the educational process with integration and organic interconnection of their components.
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