liver, dietary obesity, glutathione system of antioxidant protection, carrageenanAbstract
The aim of our study was to analyze the potential of the glutathione system of antioxidant protection in the liver of rats with experimental obesity and the use of different concentrations of carrageenan. The study was conducted on 40 purebred white male rats weighing 175–185 g. The animals were divided into four groups (10 rats in each group): 1st group – control (intact animals), 2nd – obese animals, 3- 1st – obese animals that received 0.5% carrageenan solution in their diet, 4th – obese animals that consumed 1.0% carrageenan solution. The assessment of the glutathione defense system was carried out by determining the activity of glutathione peroxidase (GP), glutathione-S-transferase (GT), and the concentration of reduced glutathione (GSH). In the liver of rats that consumed a 0.5% carrageenan solution with drinking water, a statistically significantly higher level of GP (by 14.7%, p<0.05), GT (by 20.0%, p<0.05) was found, GSH (by 20.9%, p<0.05), compared to the control values. Indicators also increased in the experimental group that consumed 1.0% carrageenan solution in relation to the intact group of animals, but they were lower in comparison with the 3rd experimental group: GP – by 8.8% (р<0.05), GT – by 6.7% (р<0.05), GSH – by 7.5% (р<0.05). Therefore, the consumption of 0.5% carrageenan in drinking water by rats is accompanied by a more active activity of the antioxidant defense system in the liver tissue than when using 1.0% carrageenan.
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