innovative technologies, blended learning, online learning, higher school, higher education studentsAbstract
The article is devoted to one of the urgent pedagogical problems of domestic science, which reveals the importance of introducing innovative technologies into the higher educational process in conditions of mixed learning. The article clarified difference between the concepts of “pedagogical technology”, “innovative technology”, “innovative teaching method”, “mixed, synchronous and asynchronous learning”, “contact and non-contact hours”. The publication presents the features of the use innovative technologies in the educational process as: information and communication technologies (video conferences in Zoom, Google Meet, Webex Meet; chats, forums, websites, multimedia, “Kahoot!”), cloud technologies (Skydrive, Sway, Prezi, Google services, Moodle), Mind Maps, Scribe and interactive technologies (Case studies, business and role-playing games). The article analyzes different approaches of scientists to the classification of innovative learning technologies. Attention is focused on the recommendations of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine regarding the introduction of a mixed form of education organization into the educational process of a higher school in accordance with today’s requirements. The role of digitization of higher education and its impact on various forms of knowledge acquisition and formation of students’ abilities and skills, conducting scientific research and creative activities, forms of control, in particular the performance of individual tasks, control and independent works of students, testing, defense of qualification and course projects are described. The use of innovative learning technologies contributes to the formation of search, research, communicative, analytical abilities and skills in students of higher education, the realization of their abilities by each participant in the educational process, an individual approach to learning, the development of cognitive interests, the activation of students’ creative abilities, a successful combination of classroom and remote tasks work.
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