widespread peritonitis, surgical treatment, optimization of tacticsAbstract
The article analyzes the clinical course of acute disseminated peritonitis, identifies factors that have a negative impact: the duration of the disease (24 or more hours), the period of the course of the disease (terminal phase), the terms of recovery of the motor-evacuator function of the digestive tract, the degree of severity of the intoxication syndrome, the Mannheim index peritonitis and comorbidity index (Charlson M.E. et al., 1987). The intra-abdominal pressure in the patients of this group was studied and its effect on the recovery of the motility of the small intestine after surgical treatment of patients with acute disseminated peritonitis was determined. The author’s team came to the conclusion that the treatment of patients with acute disseminated peritonitis should be comprehensive at all stages – before surgery, during and after surgery and should include decompression and evacuation of bowel contents, prevention of increased intra-abdominal pressure, early medical correction of the motor-evacuator function of the small intestine, which will contribute to improving the quality of life of patients in the early postoperative period.
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