production, manufacturing stage, standardization, technological process, injection solution, “Trifuzol”Abstract
Long-term experience of using solid oral forms in clinical practice indicates their low effectiveness due to limited bioavailability. One of the ways to increase the bioavailability of drugs is the development of water-soluble parenteral forms or liquid oral forms. But this process is accompanied by a number of difficulties, such as the lack of a standardized substance, limited solubility and chemical instability in water. Therefore, conducting comprehensive research aimed at standardization of the substance of medicinal products, selection and study of the role of excipients and technological methods in the creation of aqueous solutions and their stabilization for parenteral use is relevant for domestic pharmaceutical science and practice. Standardization and production of new medicines based on a highly purified substance in the form of solutions will allow to expand the assortment of drugs that have prospects for parenteral and oral use. A bibliometric method was used for the development of the drug manufacturing technology, which included an analysis of publications in scientific and practical publications, a review of scientific literature, a study of equipment specifications, as well as taking into account the requirements specified in GND 09-001-98, DFU and guidelines of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. Conducting experiments and tests in factory conditions for the industrial production of the 2.5% “Trifuzol” solution of the veterinary drug made it possible to develop and establish standards in the technological regulations for the production of this drug. The manufacturing process of the drug 2.5% solution for injections “Trifuzol” contains 5 stages. The proposed technological scheme for the production of the veterinary injectable drug “Trifuzol” 2.5% solution for injections in ampoules of 2.1 ml with the active substance piperidinium 2-(5-(2-furyl)-4-phenyl-1, 2,4-triazol-3-ylthio) acetate.
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