antidepressants, depression, provision of medical services, availability of medicines, marketing analysis, mental healthAbstract
The number of patients with depressive disorders shows a tendency to increase every year, while the main groups of patients are the working population and people over 60 years old. In Ukraine, according to consumption data, the market for antidepressants grew by almost 30% in 2023, and some medicines show growth of more than 100%, which is the result of a full-scale war with russia. The problem of assessing the availability of medicines for patients with depressive disorders has become particularly urgent: questions need to be answered regarding the availability of antidepressants on the domestic market and whether there have been changes in the level of sales prices for this important group of medicines in wartime. According to the results of dispensing antidepressants from more than 1,500 pharmacies in the period from 2020 to 2023 (as of November 1, 2023) a marketing analysis of the retail pharmaceutical market was conducted. The obtained results of the analysis of medicines according to the INN, which are specified in the Unified Clinical Protocol "Depression" and were released from pharmacies for 2020-2023, showed that the number of medicines ranged from 101-118 names, and the ratio of domestic and foreign manufacturers reflects a rapid trend towards increase in foreign drugs. The chain index of retail prices Ig for domestic manufacturers is 1.14, and for foreign manufacturers – 1.19, which reflects the increase in retail prices for both imported and domestic medicines. The value of the S liq price liquidity ratio changed in 2022 for both groups of manufacturers, which indicates a decrease in market competition and a decrease in patient availability – as a result of the war in Ukraine. Indicators of the adequacy of the solvency of Ca.s also decreased in 2022, especially for groups of antidepressants that do not have domestic analogues. The availability indicators of D for the studied period are quite low, which is associated with a decrease in the level of income of the population and fluctuations in the exchange rate. The analysis of the consumption of antidepressants according to socio-economic indicators indicates a tendency to decrease the availability of medicines for patients and the need to expand government programs that will allow socially vulnerable segments of the population to receive drugs in need of affordable pharmaceutical care.
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