



therapeutic gymnastics, hip joint, hip joint contracture


The purpose of the study is to analyze the effect of non-traumatic therapeutic gymnastics in the acute stage of deforming osteoarthritis of the hip joint. The study was conducted in the rheumatology department of the Rivne Regional Clinical Hospital named after Yurii Semeniuk. It included 30 patients with clinically confirmed deforming osteoarthritis of the hip joint of II–III degree in the acute stage. Half of the subjects (control group) were treated according to the prescriptions of the attending rheumatologist, the other half (main group), in addition to drug therapy, were engaged in gentle therapeutic gymnastics. All the details of the pedagogical experiment were agreed with the doctors and patients. Two control measurements of the amplitude of mobility of the affected joint were performed using an electronic goniometer – on admission to the department and after treatment at discharge. When comparing the amplitude of movements of the studied hip joints at the time of discharge, positive changes occurred in patients of the main and control groups, but in patients of the main group they were more significant, namely: – the hip flexion amplitude in patients of the main group increased by 9.59º compared to the control group, i.e. by 7.37% of the physiological norm; and the corresponding extension indices also increased by 2.15º and 7.17%; – the amplitude of hip abduction in patients of the main group increased by 8.42º compared to the control group, which is 18.71% more than the physiological norm; and the average abduction rates increased by 3.77º and 12.00%, respectively; – comparing the volume of external rotation of the affected hip joints in patients of the main and control groups, it can be stated that in the main group it was 5.07º greater, that is, the indicated mobility increased by 11.27% compared with the physiological norm. The use of non-traumatic therapeutic gymnastics in combination with anti-inflammatory therapy, in case of exacerbation of osteoarthritis of the hip joint, significantly improves its functional state, in particular the amplitude of its motor activity in all measured planes.


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